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I used the rebranding
to increase loan applications

Client: RBS/Natwest

Industry: Retail Banking

My Role: UX/UI Designer

RBS and NatWest applicants mostly came from loan brokers. Fees are paid to the brokers, which impact the revenue of the bank.

The engagement with small loan directly on the website was low.

the brief

Development brief

The goal of the project was to redirect visitors to apply directly on the website while increasing customer loyalty.

The client required me to provide realistic loans simulation to visitors and to allow them to apply right away.

An operational request was to identify the gaps with the newly created brands guidelines. I had to integrate two brands within a single design system.

the challenge

The challenge

The deadline was tight. The branding team and the developers wanted to be involved in the process, and there was a need for validation of any new components. Additionally, I had to establish a collaborative process with the clients.

the process

The process

I defined a lean process that enabled the client to maintain control over the project. I ensured my approach kept the project aligned with branding requirements while allowing us to get up to speed swiftly, aiming to deliver quick results. I ensured that every actors on that projects was involved.

the design

white brand

I mapped the research insights into the journey. I ensured that both desktop and mobile could provide the same level of service. Given the nature of the project—two brands on one design system—wireframes were the way to go. I created a user journey with white brand and created components/patterns.

applying design

Based on the brand guidelines, I visually designed both brands. I aligned the missing components with the development and the branding team. At this stage, I began to weekly show and tell with the client.

prototype and testing

I created a fully functional prototype in Axure for user testing. The testing outcomes have been positive, and promising about the live product. I was able to hand the design over to the development team.

Success and learning

The user testing returned a high engagement rate and a very low bounce rate. The users were happy to receive an accurate quote and to be able to apply straight away. They were able to simulate different numbers and scenarios before a decision.

I learned to follow a lean process and integrate user testing in projection. I manage a design system in a way that two brands can use it. I developed a white-label design that could be styled with two different sets of design tokens.

Sorry, my portfolio is optimised for desktop experience. Stay tuned for the mobile version coming later this year

Hello, I'm Youssef,
a Senior Product Designer